Big Kid.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Back from SF!
Love Culture top & romper / T.U.K. shoes / ZeroUV sunnies
Photos by Kimly Mean (@kimlymean)

I haven't had a chance to look at the photos yet, but once I get to them, I'll share some tidbits from my trip!

The rain followed me back to LA. It's so gloomy today! It's making me feel lethargic and just want to sit around in my pajamas. I'm not going to lie, that's exactly what I'm doing as I'm writing this blog post. I shot these a few weeks ago while the weather was still gorgeous. I've been collecting a few turtlenecks here and there recently. I'm loving their comeback. My mom dressed me in a lot of turtlenecks as a kid. Underneath some extremely asian sweatsuits from Chinatown, might I add. I dressed it a little differently here. Picked up both this turtleneck and romper from Love Culture. They're having a gnarly sale right now on both pieces so you guys should definitely click into their site. I couldn't resist pairing both pieces together. Makes me feel like a kid again dressing this way. Especially with these cute AF pom pom socks I got from Japan and furry little black creepers.


  1. This look is so cute and darling! You are the cutest, doll!

  2. Love your romper and the pom pom socks!
